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Why College Students Fail

Is college really that hard? Are there students who take their studies seriously, yet still fail? If you check the stats, you will surely find that those who fail are only very few compared to those who pass and usually, it is not because they don’t have the brains, rather, it is because they are not really serious with their studies. 

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So, are you about to start your college education? What are you planning to take? If you want to help your parents right away, you can take a diploma course as this will only take 2 to 3 years. You can also choose a bidang yang ditawarkan di uitm such as kursus sains sukan. However, you must make sure you get good grades. 

Aside from the reasons mentioned above, below are also the common factors why college students fail:

  1. They don’t prepare well during exams

Some students don’t really think that much about their lessons. They have this notion that they can always catch up once they will start studying and usually, it will be a

Day before the exam. 

  1. They procrastinate

Proscrastinating is never good. As an intelligent person said that don’t do what you can do today for tomorrow is really true as tomorrow has its own things to do. So if you will assign some tasks for tomorrow, the more that you tend to procrastinate as you now have a stressful situation. And when you have so much to do with only a short time to do it, there is a good chance you will not be able to do them well. 

  1. Not focused to the goal

Maybe this comes with age though. However, there are so many students that even at a young age, they are able to graduate with flying colors. Yes, and mind you, not all of them are from a wealthy family and therefore, it is not mainly because they want to help their parents as soon as possible but because they are really focused on the goals they set for themselves. 

  1. Bad friends

Another reason why one might be swayed away from his goals because of bad associations. Friends are fine of course, but you have to choose them. Yes, you have to look for friends who are also goal-focused and stay away from those who prioritize their bad habits. Even if you say you can control yourself, time will come that you will really give in if you will constantly associate with them. 

  1. Laziness

Laziness is also one of the reasons why a student can’t achieve his goals. No one can give you what you want while lying, unless you pay for his services. If you want to succeed, you have to work hard on your goal. Even if there are times when you still want to extend your sleeping time, you should control yourself as you are already a college student and therefore, your parents are expecting more maturity from you. 

At the end of the day, you will be the one to enjoy the fruit of your hard work. At the same time, you will also be the one to suffer if you mess up! With kursus yang ditawarkan di uitm, this should not be so struggling. 

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