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The Best Information You Can Get In Orthopedic

Various Conditions Treated by Orthopedic Specialists

There are several diseases or disorders that an orthopedic doctor can treat, including:

Injuries from sports, certain activities, or accidents

  • Bone disorders, including bone infections, fractures, osteoporosis, bone tumors, and bone deformities or deformities
  • Joint disorders, such as arthritis, ligament tears, bursitis, joint pain, joint displacement or dislocation, and joint swelling
  • Medical disorders of the spine, such as spinal tumors, back pain, scoliosis, and spinal injuries and fractures
  • Disorders in the knee area, such as tendinitis, knee pain, meniscus injuries, and sprained or torn ligaments
  • Heel and ankle pain
  • Hand and wrist problems, such as hand or wrist fractures, carpal tunnel syndrome, and ganglion cysts

Diseases of the soft tissue muscles, including atrophy, compartment syndrome, muscle and soft tissue injuries, soft tissue infections, to soft tissue tumors or cancers

A Series of Actions Performed by Orthopedic Specialists

Orthopedic doctors have the expertise to perform various medical procedures to address problems related to the body’s movement system, whether or not surgery is required.

In treatment, the orthopedic doctor will first perform a physical examination and supporting tests to confirm the diagnosis. Supporting tests that are generally carried out include blood tests, joint fluid analysis, arthrograms, bone scans (bone scans), X-rays, MRI, and ultrasound.

From the results of the examination, the orthopedic doctor will provide treatment according to the needs, diagnosis, and condition of the patient. In non-surgical procedures, orthopedic doctors can usually prescribe medicines, determine exercise recommendations, and refer to the physiotherapy department to address health complaints experienced by patients.

If there are certain indications, the orthopedic doctor will perform surgery or surgery, such as:

  • Arthroscopy, which is a surgical procedure by inserting a camera and special equipment into the joint to diagnose and treat problems around the joint
  • Internal fixation, which is a procedure to hold bone fragments in the proper position with metal plates, pins, or screws, while the bone is healing
  • Fusion, which is a “welding” process in which bone is fused together with bone grafts and internal devices, such as metal rods, to make the bone solid again
  • Joint replacement (partial, total, or revision), which is a procedure performed when the damaged joint is replaced with an artificial joint called a prosthesis
  • Surgery to repair soft tissue, such as torn tendons or ligaments
  • Osteotomy, which is the act of correcting bone deformities by cutting and positioning the bones
  • Amputation
  • Reconstruction of ligaments, bones and muscles.
  • Spinal surgery, including discectomy, foraminotomy, laminectomy, and spinal fusion

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